In 2001, the US led NATO forces invaded Iraq and swept away the Saddam forces and allies. All of those who supported Saddam were taken as war prisoners and the important point here is that most of them were Sunnis. Thus, the US led Shiite coalition forces having gone to power slowly ended up to pile up the discrimination against the Sunnis. There was an uprisal of many small insurgencies and the birth of anti national elements against the Shia president and his atrocities. To think precisely, it was not the mistake of the common people, whether Shias or Sunnis. It was always the elite who instigate their caste feelings on the common. Thus came a time for the sufferings of Sunnis during the Shiite government reign and the attacks of US left them in destitute accusing them of relations with Al queda. In one such prison was a Ba'ath party activist, Abu Bakhr Al Baghdadi.

Bagdadhi has graduated in Islam from the University of Islam, Iraq. He started to settle the fights among the people in the prisons. Likewise, gained respect from the prisoners as well as the US troops. He had created a group of rebels who shared the same motive to abolish all the sunnis and fight against the American troops who treated them their slaves. By 2009, he declared himself as the Caliph and believed that Shias are apostates and must die to forge a pure form of Islam. There were more than 1000 followers who shared the same views and thus led to the formation of Islamic state of Iraq and Levant. The aspirations grew as the no. of people who gathered started increasing. This was the beginning of an insurgency in order to protect their identity as sunnis and avenge their foes, Shias and the Americans.

Politically, ISIL headed by Bagdhadi, was funded by Al queda in its roots. The major aim of Bagdhadi was to unite all the arab countries with the majority of Sunnis and save Islam. But due to some of the mis-communications, he broke the alliance with Al queda and stood solely to be Islamic state of Iraq. But ISI did not catch the eye of everyone in the world. So, took the advantage of Syrian crisis and started to grow magnanimously. In order to surge down the Bashar al assad's government in Syria, the USA aided the rebel forces but they were all broken pieces. When ISI took charge of the situation there, all the rebels took shelter under the same roof with the name Islamic state(IS). This shook the government. The government tried to suppress the insurgency operations but it was too late by then. The rebels had turned out to be monstrous and ruthless. The massive killings of Shias and kurds and taking over of the lands of the two countries led to the vast expansion of IS in the middle east. The atrocities piled up eventually.

The working of IS is pretty intriguing. It is formed on the basis of the regime of Islam. Islam is defined in the sharia law. The terms of Sharia law are as scary as one can never imagine. The punishment for the offense committed is harsh. Robbery has its verdict with the slicing off the two hands so that they never commit to the sin. Alcohol and drugs are banned from the society. People hesitate to commit to any offense afraid of the results. It is a clean society but one cannot live in such a society according to the human tendency. The women are to be treated delicately and are confined to the household stuff. The girls are educated until the age of 14 in the household works. The common people who suffered from the American forces, are living in peace under the reign of IS.

There are perspectives to be discussed about this issue. The perspective of the common man - Shias, Sunnis, Kurds, the perspective of the ruling political party, the perspective of the entire world, the perspective of the developed countries etc. How can they evacuate the lands of other than Sunnis and make the living harder? This is not right. They are not dictators once again repeating the history. If they need change, they should act accordingly satisfying the common man's needs. The harsh law is making people fly off to other safe and calm places. Moreover, there is no freedom for the people in those lands under the IS regime.

The entire problem is about the basis of Shias and Sunnis. That has now become the problem of the entire world. But the immediate cause for the birth of the IS is said to be the American invasion into Iraq. There are many accusations against the America that it invaded Iraq for the sole purpose of holding power over the rich oil fields of the country. The invasion took lives of many innocents and the others were taken into custody. This emotionally moved many and they have later on turned out to be monstrous. It is just 'realization' that can help such rebellious groups. The realization that every human's life is precious and there is none to be differentiated by the term 'caste' And when the political stability is achieved in all the countries left in chaos, they would see the meaning of a different life with secularism.

When sometimes I research on such vulnerable countries, I start to build up my respect more and more for our country, India, that it is such a peaceful and harmless country. Proud to be an Indian.


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