The dreading picture for the world today emerges to be ISIS. A dilettante who just run into news and accusations against the ISIS blame it to be a terrorist organisation. Yes, of course, it is a militant organisation. But we blatantly cannot blame them on a single basis point. There is a story of their agony for years which led them through the way of rebellion for salvation. There was no choice for them but to fight otherwise they are dead souls. Though we have already seen the tragic conditions of the middle East and African countries which induced out many citizens from their countries as refugees, there are always a handful left behind in the burning hell, battling for their lives. Such raging souls together formed an insurgency in order to teach the entire political monarchists a lesson. Not that I stand for ISIS, but there are facts to be considered to judge something abnormal happening in the world. Why should there be any abnormality? It is again the same as I discussed in my earlier blogs i.e the political anarchism wiping out the peace in the lives of the commons. This anarchism turns out to be monarchism when an opportunity beholds it. In the entire struggle of politics, the commons are never left behind. They are involved in the fights, clashes, misunderstandings, battles, riots and even wars. In such reign of terror, they end up dedicating everything to the war of politics. Coming to the point, it is a common man who can be the most pugnacious if he is left in mishap after performing his rituals sacredly. The same has happened in the story which I am going to narrate, resulted in an arousal of a hungry life seeking rebel, the ISIS.

The story begins in the gloom piled up in the lives of Iraqis. Prior to 2003, Saddam Hussein was the president of Iraq. He was a staunch Sunni and had always supported their deeds blindly. A dictator being favourable to particular religion or caste is the worst thing that a country could expect. Saddam was ruthless to his foes and Shiites. When he rose to power in 1979, he ordered for the massacre of his foes and within an year of his dictatorship, approximately 20000 Shiites were massacred. The life for the Sunnis was beautiful and luxurious while for Shiites, it was on the death beds. Human rights sanctions were imposed on Iraq. If this projects a side of the coin, the other is digging vulnerable. In order to control the rise of Shias in Iran, he waged a war on Iran and proceeded with the use of chemical weapons. This led to the imposition of economic sanctions in the country. But Saddam never bothered about the sanctions. When the war with Iran proved to be a self declared victory, his attention was grabbed by the Iraq's wealthy neighbour, Kuwait. He claimed Kuwait to be a historical part of Iraq and invaded Kuwait. He violated every possible agreement and gained hatred from different corners of the world. This aggravated USA, after the 9/11. Thus, USA accused Saddam having relations with Al Queda and the usage of weapons of mass destruction, invading Iraq. This led to the fall of Saddam leaving Iraq in a chaos.

The people lived with all the sanctions possible and with no freedom for life during the reign of a monstrous tyranny. There were many uprisings or insurgencies against Saddam by the Shias and Kurds but they were shunned and lynched to death. If someone has to object Saddam to let out his perspective, it is considered he is against Saddam and is executed. So there could not be any voices against the reign. The sanctions made the living conditions in Iraq, declining as the time passed by. People suffered losing their families or being killed. Such was the pathetic condition during the regime of Saddam which was the then sole reason for the Iraqi refugees. The aftermath of 2003 and the consequences of the sufferings will be dealt in the upcoming blog.


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