Radhika developed a writing concluding the defects and solutions. "Why is there a need to make a blog on policing system of India in comparision to other countries? Where are we lagging behind? What is the reason for us to still depend on the Police Act of 1861? Why is India's Police institution is named the most corrupt? In the dynamic world with sophisticated technology, why do not we have technology backed cops? Why are America and England still pacing in the forward row of the race in being the best policing institutions? I am here to throw some light on these questions and make it as approachable as possible.

America, the most powerful and happening economy of this era. Firstly, there seem many opportunities for innovation and smartness. Thus there is development of technology in every field possible. Whereas in India, the phase of opportunity itself is curbed. When there are no opportunities flow, how can someone come up with an idea? There has to be compensation given even if we wish to aid our country with intelligence.

Don't American police institution commit mistakes? Of course, they do. But there is no possibility for them to escape from the committed offence. Every individual in the institution is separately governed by the means of gadgets and technology which restore their status when they commit a crime. But India does not possess such technology. Every person in the service should be properly governed and regimentation should be stringent so as to avoid corruption at the deeper roots.Here are some of the gadgets used by the American Police.

1) A robotic camera : When it's too dangerous to send a police officer into an active crime scene -- or in any situation that requires "eyes" where there's no clear line of sight -- police can rely on a dislodged robotic camera. The device has an electric motor and special wheels that allow it to move, climb and explore at the whim of an officer who operates it with a wireless remote control.


2)Gunshot detection system:  It  usually relies on  multiple carefully placed electronic sensors installed throughout a neighborhood to help pinpoint the exact source of gunfire. It's especially useful in areas where shots are fired frequently and witnesses are scarce or hesitant to talk.

3)iPads or tablets: The iPads allow officers to do just about anything they could do while sitting at their desks, from filing accident and incident reports wirelessly to looking up photos of suspects and accessing information in a state crime database. These are carried with them always so as to keep the record of every incident without delay.

4)GPS monitoring

The county police works systematically and this helps not raising the petty issues to the higher authorities over them.Looking forward to India, they are yet developing their GPS models and trying to make it successful in the policing. So poor is our country in terms of criminal justice system. The arms and ammunition can be observed to be of a good status in here but arms do not completely save, infect pose threats to kill.Another point for discussion is Democracy. India is the world's largest practicing democracy. In democracy, everything goes according to the people. In such a huge country, it is very difficult to cicerone all the police bodies including each and every person in service. But this is how the politicians argue. Is the corrupt free system practically not possible? It is possible when every individual in and out of service envision their own responsibilities and stick to them. One should try to be as honest as a day.When the mentality and mindset of the people change, we can expect returns from the government too. It is not just the government, responsible, but every common citizen is. 

We are sticking to the police act of 1861 without any major changes. This is purely because of convenience to the the politicians and police with no stringent regulations. Those days, the British made it according to themselves to keep them relieved with no rules and gorge on the people as they wished. But it is not the situation now. There must be immediate measures taken to come up with a new act or amend the existing act according to the growing population and current scenario.


Few causes for the failure of Indian police:
1. It seems that the salaries paid to the Police is deficient, keeping in view the today's cost of living. Since, everyone wants to lead a good life and when they cannot, they get attracted to the illegal ways leading to corruption.

2. Common People themselves are responsible for corruption in the police. For eg: We all know that we shouldn't cross the traffic red-light. However, many of us do that and unfortunately if we are caught, we tend to offer money to the police people to get rid of the legal hassles. So, this has given the chance to the police people to earn money by illegal means.

3. Another reason associated with the corruption is the job security associated with it.The people who penetrate into the police services always think of the fact that they are going to be paid for the rest of their lives whether they work or no. This mental feeling seems to be major block. So, the police officials don't tend to work  much over the cases registered and work only if they are bribed.

 4. One of the major reasons is that the police people are substitutes of the politicians. If some police personnel try to accuse a politician or a person who is related to a politician, he will be transferred to some remote places or would taste the vigour of their power. So, they don't dare to do that.

So, it is high time to keep corruption under check and let gain the trust amongst the people. The people who risks their life for others should be paid more in number than the others. Let us make it a point to let them live peacefully and happily so that without any hesitance, they serve the country. A change in a common man with good lets the same change in the rusted system. Loss of job security with the risk of committing a crime would fetch the leaders move in a right direction. In order to safeguard their job security and worry of the regimentation with stringent punishments would help the police work righteously.


The politicians backed police in society is no less than a fake institution. With the grace of good hope, mark the victory drubbing down the corruption and let us step forward and make our India survive green."


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