An Emergency is usually understood by the provisions listed in the constitution and from the conclusions of the past three experiences of the country. Most of them argue that it is the lowest point in the decades of Indian democracy in practice where Mrs.Indira Gandhi had made the whole country her fiefdom. What happened in 1975? Why was there a need for an emergency? Who all supported and opposed the proclamation? Why are the people impractical about the emergency and imagine a bad outcome? What are the consequences? What was the impact on Indian economy and society? Was India at advantage or a disadvantage during the rule? What is the long term impact of it? Are not these questions disturbing you inside? It was the same with me when I started my research. Let me page down everything I found interesting about it.

The story begins at the 1971 election time. Indira wins the election and crowned as the First Indian Woman Prime Minister. But Raj Narain, who was the competing candidate, lodged a complaint against Mrs.Gandhi at Allahabad high court, accusing her of illegal state machinery usage to win the elections. The High court took almost four years on research and thus ordered Mrs. Gandhi to appear in the Court. After six hours of investigation or questioning, the High Court sends a letter to the PM's residence saying she was found guilty and had to immediately step down as the PM. Indira already earned a good name amongst the people introducing Garibi Hatao, many economic reforms and finally, playing a major role in aiding West Pakistan to turn out to be Bangladesh.

She could not believe that a High Court could overthrow a PM. She finally found no way but gave into the idea of stepping down when her descendant, Sanjay Gandhi had motivated her spirit and told her she was meant to serve the people. Thus, she filed a petition with the Supreme Court. But if the decision went against her, it would create chaos to the already trailed Congress. On the other hand, the Gandhi of independent India, Jaya Prakash Narayan had started protesting with people and students for the illegal deeds committed by Mrs.Gandhi. At the same time, the Bangladesh leader was assasined with led to the external threat to the already crisis prone country after the war with China and Pakistan. When she was worried about holding up her power and position, Sidharth Shankar Ray, the then CM of West Bengal suggested to impose an internal emergency.

That was a great idea. They addressed to the president about the then internal crisis in such a way that he could not say a no but call for the National emergency. The story until now is clear and carved out. But what were the mistakes committed by Mrs.Gandhi after planning for the great deal. The first mistake remains not seeking the consent of the cabinet. The Cabinet gets to know after the proclamation for emergency was in action. The second mistake is the atrocities committed by Sanjay and her during the emergency. The appointment of SC judge was inappropriate. This was done expecting the new judge to write off the accusations on her and set her free from allegations. All the leaders who were against her were thrown behind the bars. There was nothing against her during those 21 months of emergency rule. The elections to be held in 1975 were postponed to 1977. The freedom of press was curbed. Any news to be published was scrutinized by her or her members and then were let to be published. There was seen monopoly in India after independence. The world was shaken with the power of Indira who was considered a "nangi gudiya" until then.

If this is the one side of the coin, it was because of emergency approval, our economy was streamlined. How is it even possible? After the war with China and Pakistan, there was the uprising of unemployment rapidly, the poverty upsurged, the country went into economic and oil crisis. Leaving this behind, there were grounds of political crisis noticed and thus, our economy was on its way to collapse. Then, Indira to protect herself declares emergency. But it had done great aid to our Indian economy. The devaluation of rupee was kept under control. The 20 point program introduced by her to address the problems of unemployment, poverty, population etc and to provide education. It made our country stable. The steralisation program introduced by Sanjay was radical in nature against the religious beliefs and their sentiments. As they did not accustom to this program, Sanjay had to force them for steralisation to control population. The mistake was, he forced the Muslims, unmarried and old aged rapidly to succeed with his motive which enraged people.

Though emergency was enforced for personal reasons, it handed a solution to Indian economic crisis. A person over looking all the problems of the country with no interference of the states or any other machinery and also to keep up her charisma among the people would undoubtedly fetch something good. Nothing in politics happens without loopholes. Here happened the same. A good with bad, a paradox. Can someone think what would have happened if the emergency was not imposed? Supreme court would anyway find its justice in favour of Indira. Indira would still be in power but would not take the necessary commitment to attend the problems. When there is no political stability, politicians try to gain the hearts of people. The same happened here. If they are stable, they would rule on the people but not for them. Finally, a common person should understand the story behind the emergency before he is striked with terror to understand its contribution in standing of our economy.



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