Often, a paradoxical situation interests us adequately. There go many such day to day activities which are out of our purview to consider them. Coming to the point, the liquor and tobacco industries ruin our economy as well as channel for the economic growth and development. How is that victoriously possible? When someone is seen smoking and drinking, we assume and criticize the government for not tabooing the products that make people vulnerable and enslave them. Just a disapproval of these and the country stands free from the health hazards. This busts the death rate predominantly and eventually eases the efficiency among the individuals to boost up employment and returns for the country. Nevertheless, the government heeds no more on this matter.

The attribution of continuous patronage of the Indians for these products holds the government's decision, to outlaw them. The alcohol and tobacco consumption is pacing with any other product and is considered that more than half of the population is addicted to these.  Politically, if the govt bans these profane products going against the people's divinity for these, they would out throw the existing government from ruling on them anymore, So, they trend with the  people's beliefs. Although, economically, there are hidden advantages a country might acquaint to with the boom in the sin-industries production. The tax revenue of the govt increases with the sin taxes( more than usual taxes) burdening the sin industries. India being the third largest producer of tobacco, a labour intensive crop, requires more of employed for its production, ultimately glistening the employment opportunities in the country. This helps unemployed people make a self sufficient living.

Quality products are exported escalating the foreign exchequer. Agriculture develops(tobacco farms) and poverty dooms raising the economic development. Inquisitively, if the intensity of the health hazards upsurges, then the govt takes action to prohibit these up to an extent by imposing more taxes. This increases the government inputs via taxes and also poses burden on the commoners to consume the dearly priced products. Also, the health care expenses borne by the people at the government hospitals hit by the tobacco and alcohol effects, would add to the exchequer. An in limit alcohol and tobacco consumption by the people would vivaciously bring in benefits to a society.

What if the liquor and tobacco production is outlawed in the country? Catastrophically, the government revenue falls. All those employed in the tobacco and alcohol manufacturing companies take to roads resulting to the problem of unemployment. People would be dissatisfied with the government. Recklessly, dharnas and strikes bloom out. A predicament of political and economic instability will fruit up. The foreign debt increases. The industrial sector falls resulting in the collapse of stock market devaluing the rupee. A common man suffers while the government is taken over by the crisis. Thus, Alcohol and tobacco tend to be the two pillars protecting the economic stability of our country at the same time ruining our economy to an extent!


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