
Showing posts from 2019

Carrie- Book review

Carrie Stephen king Genre- Horror Fiction Carrie is a girl gifted with telekinesis. She can move things with a wave of her hand. She’s anti social, traumatic, “not so noticeable” girl in her school. Her mother, another mentally ill person, an inclined catholic, considers Carrie as a sin(as she was the byproduct of her intercourse). Thus, the rumble between the mother and daughter persists for age s. Unimaginable things happen to such girls(in general) in school, that consequently leads to her outburst of power. This part gets little exhausting to us readers( Drain of emotions). This part, I suppose is considered “HORROR” in this book. Post reading, you find yourself in a hypothetical situation and with many questions. Who do you feel sorry for? Carrie? Or the people she killed with her outburst of emotions? Do we support Carrie? Do we love her? Sympathise her? Empathise her and Share her agony? Or do we retreat from her? What is right? What is wrong? How one person is judged? How o

We should all be feminists- Book review

We should all be feminists Chimamanda ngozi adichie Genre- essay, biography #Feminist  - A person who believes in the social, political and economic equality of the sexes. #Feminism  is a taboo in our society. It has become such a small and filthy thing to announce yourself as a feminist. The concept itself is losing its meaning. #chimamandangoziadichie  , with this book "We should all be feminists" establishes the lost and devoured meaning of feminism with its actual essence. Every person should read this book to understand the core meaning of feminism and it's importance. It's subtly explained how we forget and accept things instead of changing them. Every girl, once in her lifetime must have been oppressed, for sure. We don't realise it as oppression because we are used to it. Now is the time to realise and take a step forward. This book has inspired me to step forward and stand for myself. I hope it helps every woman and man to realise the unrecognised

Blog Writing- Book Review

Blog Writing- Marvin Ford A randomly picked book with an attractive title. Better content found in web than in this book. Could hardly find any new ways to develop your blog. All the info about how to write your blog is taken and dumped at one place. Should have researched properly to have given basic understanding to the beginners.

Who to vote this elections?

Who to vote this elections? Is this your first time casting a vote? Mine too!! So I did my research about elections, parties, who to vote, what’s the procedure, etc etc. I thought a small blog would help you understand whatever I’ve learned so far. So here we go!!!  Firstly, As a civil services aspirant, I’ve been in touch with national politics for over 7 years now. The time since congress was in rule, when bjp swept majority and now, it’s a hell of a journey! So I wish to help avoid the mistakes and remove the misconceptions before we cast our votes tomorrow! Let us understand basics of parliament. Parliament consists of loksabha, Rajya sabha and the president. We shall discuss Rajya sabha and president later. Tomorrow we are going to have Lok sabha elections in our constituency. A state is divided into multiple constituencies for the convenience of voting. Different states have different number of constituencies. Each constituency will be represented by an MP who sha

Trying some poetry

1) Crush me and take me inside, For your halo to hover around my outside. Protect me with your arms spread out wide, For our hearts are forever tied. 2) My body doesn't work, not a cell. Doesn't it ring a bell? My heart aches to a boiling swell, Because you're holy unwell. I could suffer terrible Harm and yell, To get you out of this endless hell. 3) Life has taken a turn to sunlight, Where I believed I wouldn't let go off the darkness' sight. It all turned out to be a delight, After you became my knight. The feelings between us finally ignite, And we eternally unite. 4) My words topple over when I try writing a poem about you, just like my heart flutters when I look at you. 5)When you're my observer, I resurrect and grow, When you're not, I simply perish. 6) In the stream of a river called the universe, I'm a tiny pebble and you're the engulfing sand. Blessed I say to be engulfed in y

My experience with the Art of Living

Every fruit in the fruit basket tastes different. If you do not experience all the flavors, how can you choose your favorite fruit? You cannot leave trying a fruit, influenced by others' tastes and wishes. In the same way, I was one of many who judged spiritualism all my life, until I stumbled upon an opportunity to experience it myself. I have begun my spiritual journey on Feb 1, 2019, with so much reluctance. In respect to my idle days, I chose this path I am thankful for it. I want to share this today because there are so many people, teenagers, youth, parents, relatives, friends who do not know the importance of mental peace and make fun of these meditation start-ups. Mind peace can make you great, help you out of depression and negative emotions, help you succeed in any relationship, helps you carry a smile in every grave situation, gives you a clear mind and helps you love everything.  I have attended the Happiness Program of the great institution " The Art of Livi


What is interim budget? It is the temporary budget presented by the outgoing government. It can be later be adjusted or cancelled by the next government. Budget in Constitution: Article 112 - To have an Annual Financial Statement Article 265 - No tax shall be levied or collected except for the authority of law. Article 266 - No expenditure shall be incurred except for the authority of the legislature. Parts of Budget and estimates: The budget can be divided into revenue budget and capital budget. Revenue Budget: It is a statement of estimated revenue receipts and expenditure incurred from such revenue. The receipts and expenditure in this budget are recurring in nature. Receipts being Taxes, income from selling goods and services, dividends and profits, interests, grants are given etc and expenditure being interests paid, subsidies, defence, salaries and pension, grants etc Capital Budget: It is a statement of estimated capital receipts and capital expendi

Bell Jar- Book Review

Bell Jar Sylvia Plath Genre- Fictional Autobiography, psychological fiction, Roman à clef Reading about depression, melancholy and desolation over internet is one but unraveling about it in a book takes you on a different journey altogether i.e., We live through the pain of the narrator in every stage of his or her life. Sylvia Plath makes this book so relatable putting forth her experiences with social awkwardness, hopelessness and despondency . Every man jack has a psychological trauma, for it is extreme to his/her own level. Bell jar is about a college student Esther Greenwood who aspires to become a poet. She interns for a famous magazine during the summer in the New York City where she realises her societal inhibitions and distort. The ups and downs in her journey makes our heart leap forward and backward.  Though a controversial subjectwith disputed reviews, this book helps you perceive that the bright sunlight is in wait for you after the utmost darkness. It is just YOU

The story of THE START-UP

Having heard a lot about the start-ups, their successes and failures, makes me wonder if we know what a startup is, in real terms? Is start up another name for a normal business? If not so, what differentiates a start-up from an ordinary business? In simple terms, a start-up is a business establishment with high growth especially disrupting the existing market and having low bootstrapping costs, higher risk and potential (return on investment) as its basics. A start-up ceases to be called so once it attains the stage of profitability or when it is publicly traded in IPO or when it ceases to exist as an independent entity by merger or acquisition. When did we start using this word “start-up”? It all started in 1957 in the silicon valley when a dispute arouses between the employees and one of the founders of Shockley semiconductor. The disputed employees departed and formed their own semi-conductor which eventually gained a formidable presence in the sector calling it a start-up.

The Awakening- Book Review

The Awakening Kate Chopin Genre- Novella, literary fiction, Psychological fiction, feminist literature, Classic This is an uninhibited and beautifully written novella in 1899 about the women’s self-discovery- the awakening. This book talks about the spiritual, psychological, emotional and sexual awakening. Mrs Pontellier, a young married woman, though has so many social restrictions as a wife and the mother of two children, dreams to be independent. It is not that she was un happy with her husband. She didn’t love him the way she should have. Instead, She is in love with someone else. The story not only talks about the women’s passion but her struggle for independence from the curb of the society. It is a feminist novel, a daring one for that age. I personally enjoyed reading this book and the ending blew my mind. “An indescribable oppression, which seemed to generate in some unfamiliar part of her consciousness, filled her whole being with vague anguish.” “She had ap

Sita-The warrior of Mithila

Sita-the warrior of mithila Amish Tripathi Genre- Mythological fiction I have read Amish tripathi’s Shiva Triology 6 years ago. I was quite mesmerised with the first two parts of the series – Meluha and Nagas. Long after, Amish comes up with this Ramachandra series, in which the book sita was hyped by the public as well as the celebrities. I wasn’t sure if I would love his books after 6 years. But the book cover and the title of Sita had attracted and coerced me to snatch the book, read it. The concept of portraying Sita as a warrior and powerful on par with Ram is the most appealing point in this book. The story line seems quite basic. Raavan had already defeated the great Kosala and the kingdom needs revival. The malayaputras and Vayuputras, two major clans should choose a leader and saviour, the ultimate protector of India. Ram and Sita, individually, had been trained for this purpose. I would say that this book doubtlessly, is not a page turner. Few parts of the book

Will you still love me?

Will you still love me? Ravinder Singh Genre- Contemporary Romance I know it petrifies when you hear the name of this book. Not many of the indian romances clench your attention.  In defiance of this book being another version of two states, it has some good details. It is a considerable book for the beginners and teenagers. It doesn't agonize you with the shabby romance but helps you understand the ethics and ideals of love. The writing is straight forward and to the point. Altogether, if you want to read romance by indian writers, you can pick this book for a quick read.  PS - I bet every nature lover would yearn to visit Meghalaya after reading this book. Read to know why!


Circe Madeline Miller Historical Fiction Now who doesn't love Greek mythology? As an adolescent, Trojan War was everybody's favourite and the most striking character being Achilles. Oh Achilles is the hero of every youngster possible, now don't deny it. Anyways coming back to the book, the main character Circe is the daughter of helios( the god of Sun and the mightiest of the Titans). She is born with bizarre attributes physically and her family loathed her for her appearance and ignorance.  "When I was born, the word for what I was did not exist."  Of all the great, she was the weakest, ugliest and powerless. The innocence, rightfulness and love towards mortals paves a miserable way to her destiny. She steadily learns about her powers to witchcraft, which can transfigure gods to monsters. Threatened Zeus banishes her to a deserted island where she hones her skills all by herself. There she meets greatest figures of the Greek mythology like minotaur, Daedalus

Throne of glass

Throne of Glass Sarah J Maas Genre- YA Fantasy Finally, I finished reading "Throne of Glass" of Sarah J Maas yesterday. I enjoyed reading it so so so much and It gripped me. THE CHARACTERS ARE WELL FORMED AND EXCELLENTLY DEVELOPED. I lose myself in the world of Celaena Sardothien. The writing of Sarah J Maas, though I thought was hyped, made it evident why she has become one of the best sellers of Fantasy books. You will really be ported to a wonderful magical world. Should soon finish rest of the series.❤️ "Libraries are fully of ideas, the most powerful and dangerous of all the weapons." "I become empty and full all at once" "There was good in people-friendly down, there was always a shred of good. There has to be." "You could rattle the stars. You could do anything."


FanGirl Rainbow Rowell YA Fiction "Real life is something happening in her peripheral vision." "She'd decide to prefer fictional world than the real world." "I'm the kind of girl who fantasizes about being trapped in a  library overnight." I really didn't know much about this book when I picked it up. To be honest, I didn't understand the beginning of it as I'm not much into fan fiction. As I proceeded into the book, I've understood the stand of each character and how well they're developed. Cath, wren, Reagan, Levi are the main characters. The story revolves around Cath and wren, the twins who deviate around their paths each choosing their kind of life in college. Cath is my favourite character. The innocence in her and the righteousness astounds the readers. Levi is an ideal boyfriend. I wish someone can buy me Levi😋 Raegan is a badass yet an understanding friend. The fan fiction written in this book reminds you of Harr

Nine Chambered heart

Nine chambered heart Janice pariat Genre- Romance,Fictional Biography Isn't it interesting to know what your lovers or admirers think of you, feel about you all over and again? Nine chambered heart describes 9 different love stories of the same woman. Basically, no person can understand you completely. Each person understands and loves you differently. This is what the writer wants to express( probably). The writing of Janice pariot is most importantly what adds to the book. The words delicately light up your mood and connect you through out the book.I assure you that most of the stories in the book makes you think of your relationships. It's too evident and to the point. Can't we really have someone who understands us completely, love us for what we are and end up together forever? This is the question this book leaves you with... Read to know more!!!! Cheers.

The Goal

The Goal A Process of Ongoing Improvement Eliyahu M. Goldratt As a seeking entrepreneur in the manufacturing industry, I'm highly fortunate to come across such a book. It all begins with a situation where the manufacturing unit in a particular division is incurring losses, is unable to meet the sales and is on the brink of shut down. 3 months is the time given to reverse the situation. Thousands of lives, millions of crores, lakh of customers at stake. What could be the reason behind this situation? What resolution had been taken to bring up the spirits in everyone and still move forward without any additional investment? How did this manufacturing unit become the best of the entire company? To know this, you gotta read the book😎  The book revolves around one question. "What is the goal of a manufacturing unit and once you find out the goal, how you are working towards achieving it? There are many basic principles in this book which would force you to dig deep into the wo

Murder in Mesopotamia

Murder in Mesopotamia Agatha Christie Genre- murder mystery, thriller, crime fiction, detective When you read this book, You cannot leave it off the hook. You command out the detective skills in you, Reckoning the defendant in due. Ultimately this book is a grip, Don't you let it slip.