Throne of glass
Throne of Glass
Sarah J Maas
Genre- YA Fantasy
Finally, I finished reading "Throne of Glass" of Sarah J Maas yesterday. I enjoyed reading it so so so much and It gripped me. THE CHARACTERS ARE WELL FORMED AND EXCELLENTLY DEVELOPED. I lose myself in the world of Celaena Sardothien. The writing of Sarah J Maas, though I thought was hyped, made it evident why she has become one of the best sellers of Fantasy books. You will really be ported to a wonderful magical world. Should soon finish rest of the series.❤️
"Libraries are fully of ideas, the most powerful and dangerous of all the weapons."
"I become empty and full all at once"
"There was good in people-friendly down, there was always a shred of good. There has to be."
"You could rattle the stars. You could do anything."
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