

Madeline Miller

Historical Fiction

Now who doesn't love Greek mythology? As an adolescent, Trojan War was everybody's favourite and the most striking character being Achilles. Oh Achilles is the hero of every youngster possible, now don't deny it. Anyways coming back to the book, the main character Circe is the daughter of helios( the god of Sun and the mightiest of the Titans). She is born with bizarre attributes physically and her family loathed her for her appearance and ignorance. 

"When I was born, the word for what I was did not exist." 

Of all the great, she was the weakest, ugliest and powerless. The innocence, rightfulness and love towards mortals paves a miserable way to her destiny. She steadily learns about her powers to witchcraft, which can transfigure gods to monsters. Threatened Zeus banishes her to a deserted island where she hones her skills all by herself. There she meets greatest figures of the Greek mythology like minotaur, Daedalus, Icarus, medea, Odysseus. The story is all about how Circe dealt with her insecurities and fought against all the gods to protect what she loved. A lot of times, you find yourself in Circe's shoes while reading this book. You can associate your annoyance, displeasure, acidity, sorrow, love, loathe, resentment, hostility, insecurity, clinge, adoration, devotion etc with the sentiments of Circe. A book which connects you and your life to it is always admirable.


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