The Goal

The Goal

A Process of Ongoing Improvement

Eliyahu M. Goldratt

As a seeking entrepreneur in the manufacturing industry, I'm highly fortunate to come across such a book. It all begins with a situation where the manufacturing unit in a particular division is incurring losses, is unable to meet the sales and is on the brink of shut down. 3 months is the time given to reverse the situation. Thousands of lives, millions of crores, lakh of customers at stake. What could be the reason behind this situation? What resolution had been taken to bring up the spirits in everyone and still move forward without any additional investment? How did this manufacturing unit become the best of the entire company? To know this, you gotta read the book😎 

The book revolves around one question. "What is the goal of a manufacturing unit and once you find out the goal, how you are working towards achieving it? There are many basic principles in this book which would force you to dig deep into the work in process, inventory, throughput etc. Overall you can understand almost all the stages of manufacturing in a beautiful way. Not only has the writer portrayed the manufacturing industry but the personal life of the main character Alex Rogo. Rogo goes through a rough patch with his wife due to the additional burden from the plant. How does he cope to balance his personal and professional life? Overall, this book provokes your thinking, gives you the root causes for the problems in the manufacturing unit, helps you to understand the solutions to them and makes you understand the importance of balance and management in life. Cheers!!


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