The thought of Indian Independence leaves the reminiscences of a great leader, Mahatma Gandhi in the youth today. In the technologically run world today, who does care about the feeling of nationalism and try rooting themselves with the past glory of our country? Have an idea that Gandhi is called the Father of our Nation as he struggled for independence and also, October 2nd calls off on the eve of his birthday. That is the impact of the great freedom struggle of decades on today’s individuals I come across. I don’t think 1 in 1000 people know about what it is to do with the freedom struggle. Imagine the lives we are sulking in. The freedom to do anything you want was acquired pawning the lives of thousands and struggling for over a century utmost.

About Gandhi, everyone would have studied in their schooling his achievements and his devotion to non violence and as the only centre of the Freedom struggle. Nevertheless, the victory of India is a shared victory. It cannot be dedicated to a single individual. Here goes the story of Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose who was zealous to get India, her independence. Although there are many controversies about Bose and his methods adopted, there are many people who ardently believe that Subhas was the centre of the Freedom struggle. Why go extremes in beliefs? Unity always pays. If there was no Bose and just Gandhi, there is a probability of not attaining the victory and vice versa. So I say that every person’s contribution (even if minimal) should be added to the fruit.

Let us firstly know Bose, who played an important role in gaining us the freedom. Subhas born in Odisha, was always keen in studies since his childhood and dedicated his entire time for it. He stood 4th in the Indian Civil service examination, which he wrote to fulfil his Father’s wish. Anyway, he was the first person to give up the civil services, which was a scope for high standard of living then. The reason for withdrawing from the service was said that he could not serve his motherland while he was working under the British forces. He came to India in 1921and first went for meeting Gandhi. There were few questions asked by Bose which were patiently answered by Gandhi, though the answers did not satisfy Bose’s ideology. There he came to a stand that Gandhi’s ideology rivalled that of his.

Bose joined in the congress and the already existing national leaders of congress warmly welcome Bose as he left his pulpy life behind to struggle for Indian independence. Soon, Bose grew to be the president of congress with his invincible skills. He was arrested more than 10 times during his life in congress. Although Nehru and Bose had similar ideology and thought for achieving independence, the former always stood by Gandhi’s side without a heap of quest. Bal Gangadhar Tilak, Bose and few others aimed for Purna Swaraj while Gandhi led his movements for the dominion status of India. One of the earlier clashes between the two great leaders tends to be the declaration of Purna Swaraj on 26th January 1930.

The focus of Gandhi on castes rather than on the bigger picture of Indian independence in the first round table conference disappointed Bose deeply.  Moreover, the death of Das, who was the mentor of Bose in congress left him in despair. Thus, Bose decides to leave for foreign entourage to find out the success of the countries like Italy, Germany, Russia etc in their independence and also find peace for himself. Garibaldi of Italy had inspired Bose so much that he immediately started to believe that independence cannot be achieved without violence. ‘I offer neither pay nor quarters; nor food; I offer only hunger, thirst, forced marches, battles and death. Let him who loves his country with his heart and not merely with his lips, follow me’ were the words of Garibaldi which ignited the inner patience of Bose. This was the beginning of the times where he started to give up on Gandhi’s ideology and took to framing his own strategy.

Though he began opposing Gandhi’s strategy for independence, he never overthrew his respect for him. Gandhi had contributed a lot to the nation by giving us unity in our actions and held us under the single state named India for the first time. Earlier, it was just broken big land mass governed and ruled by kings, one at every corner. Before Gandhi, the revolutions against the British rose not aware of the facts they were Indians but having their own reasons of religious sentiments etc. Gandhi was the only one responsible to bind the people of India with a rising feeling of nationality. This attracted Bose and other leaders to follow Gandhi as the entire populace of India followed Gandhi. Without Gandhi, there would not have been a success to Bose’s mission. Gandhi was the base of his mission and he knew that. So he had a great respect for Gandhi.


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