Energy produced or radiated by sun.  It is the generation of thermal or electrical energy from the light radiated by the sun. This energy is a renewable energy and is affordable and inexhaustible. This energy can be used in two ways. One, in a passive way that is the light passing through the window makes your room hot. Two, active way that is production of electricity by using photovoltaic or solar cells.
The electricity is produced by photoelectric effect performed by the photovoltaic cells. The light energy from the sun is absorbed by the solar cells and the electrons become the charged particles after the transfer of energy from the sun to the electrons thus producing electricity with their movement.
The solar energy is as old as mankind as the sunlight was used for domestic purposes. But for the first time, the active solar energy usage was used in 1897 converting it into electrical energy. In 1970's, when there was an energy crisis in the world, the developed countries realized the importance of the solar energy. They started deployment of solar energy and started research. But when the crisis subsided, the interest on  this renewable energy also fell. But in 1990's, once again solar energy proved to be the only one to save us from the crisis in future. So it had got prominence in the field of research.
The houses in the temperate zones can be constructed by paneling them with the solar plates in order to absorb the heat and to provide warmth inside the houses.
Solar energy is used in the green houses to optimize the temperature and also in agriculture directly controlling the temperature.
In motor cars for providing auxiliary facilities like air conditioning etc to reduce the fuel usage.
Solar thermal energy is used for water heating for the domestic and industrial purposes.
Thermal mass  stores the energy from the sun during the days and high temperatures and release them in the low temperatures.
Solar distillation and Solar water disinfection are the two important uses of Solar energy.
Used in the solar cookers for cooking.
Production of electricity cheaper and easier compared to other resources.
Production of fuel by regenerating hydrogen.
In long run, solar energy is economical thought the initial cost of installation is high.
No need for importing oil reserves which saves our forex reserves and help in repayment of public debt.
Energy security is provided to every single user as there is no act of monopoly.
Increase in the employment for installation, research, manufacture etc.
Remote areas can get the basic facilities of electricity. It brings life in their living.
Low emission and pollution levels compared to other conventional energy sources.
Large surface area required for installation and many solar panels should be installed in order to grab energy from the sun.
Only 80 percent of the sunlight is grabbed by the photovoltaic cells.
It cant be harnessed in the nights.
It is very expensive.
There are many environment pollutants like cadmium, lead, methane etc which are enclosed inside the equipment. they do no cause any harm until when inside, once they are leaked out, that would lead to environment disasters.
Indian government had realized that the future is solar energy. Thus introduced JNNSM, Jawarharlal Nehru National Solar Mission in 2010 by increasing the research and aiming for a change in the economy soon. Solar power parks are installed in most of the cities like Gujarat, Maharashtra, Madhya Pradesh etc. The solar park at Chandranka village in Gujarat is the largest in Asia.
The main objectives of this mission are:
To transform rural economy by providing the rural areas with all the basic amenities like domestic and street lighting, village electrification, water pumping and desalination, telecom regulation, improving railway signalling etc.
To provide Light to India's energy poor citizens.
To provide India, with a reformed and paced agriculture techniques.
Apart from the above mentioned advantages, India exclusively is benefited  in few arenas.
India has a great geographical location which receives highest insolation throughout the year.
The present government supports for the solar energy development.
As an emerging economy, oil crisis and power problems can be overcome by usage of solar energy.
Land and infrastructure availability is low.
As land is scarce, a method of roof top power generation was introduced but they do not enjoy the productive economies.
Inefficiency and recklessness of the managers and government officials.
No awareness about solar energy among people.
Today's world is in the war of chasing energy. The more energy resources a country has got, the more developed is it. So by this we understand that the energy resources play an important role in letting a tag for the country with a status, whether developed or not. Our country, India, lags behind in the energy resources like coal, petroleum and other oils. And do we find any lower middle class household without a vehicle? Such is the importance of oil for the country. The more mechanized we are, the more is the need for the energy. Do we have any idea about the villages in India living in dark not experiencing the light? The power is an another important tool for the development and running of the economy. Today India uses coal which is the monopoly in the power industry. Coal which takes thousands of years for its birth and production from the dead organic matter will serve the world for next two decades. It will be exhausted there after. Then what is the future for the country? Fuel and power are the pillars for the foundation of India's development. Thus comes the solution, SOLAR ENERGY. Solar energy is abundant, inexhaustible renewable resource. This can be used for the fuel and power purposes. We are strategically at a good geographical position to receive sunlight throughout the year. Here the resource is available abundantly. It is in our hands to store it and make use of it properly. The disadvantages and the advantages should be thoroughly checked and worked on for further developments in the field because it is the future.It is expensive in the beginning which would not let us down in the future. Land, which is the problem faced in India, is rightly solved by roof top arrangements. Instead of using land for vast establishments, the roof tops of huge industrial buildings and residential houses are used for the installation. Not only they must be installed, but looked after for the provision of good economies and facilities. Politicians cannot play on the solar energy as it is the energy independence of any individual.  Agricultural economy like our country should work on solar energy which optimizes the temperature and avails huge productivity. It would a farmer and businessmen friendly energy. India would see a drastic change in the country once the solar is popularized and used extensively. So solar energy should be the goal of India for economic and social development.


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