• Today's internet runs on the neutrality principle - equal access of internet to all.
  • More demand for free internet - more congestion
  • Failure of Internet Service Providers' infrastructure with no revenue and investment resulting in low quality speed internet.
  • A regulation against neutrality is being claimed
    1) To charge the content providers according to the usage of the internet
    2) To make telcos the gatekeepers of every service of ISP like new apps to be registered with them.
  • This regulation ushers monopoly in the internet services
Thus from the above mentioned points, it is very clear that there are advantages and disadvantages of net neutrality principle. To the end customers, it is, of course a boon. Then where does the problem originate? Arousal of a counter argument implies the principle having defects. The first three points briefly explain those. But is the introduction of a regulation, the solution for this? Let us look into that with proper understanding of the issue. The last two bullets support the argument that there shall be unavoidable discrimination with the regulation becoming an act. The big companies can be benefited and sweep out the small companies. The more you pay, the further you be in hand with quality services. This is the best way to destroy the competitors' network proceedings. This directly gives us the idea of monopoly. An ISP, therefore can rule over the content providers like Google, Youtube etc and favour whoever it likes.

There is no Infrastructure development by the ISPs as they claim to earn less. There is disagreement with both the neutrality and against. Then what is the near solution? According to me, there must be development of net neutrality principle which favours growth, development, innovation and make people aware of every happening. Only a few of lot can avail the opportunity to access the highly charged internet. Todays society considers Internet as a privilege. It should always remain the same. It cannot turn out to become a corrupt service bribing for each and every usage. But, according to the telcos point of view, their claim is reasonable that the internet services like calls, video calls, text messages etc replace the telecom services dropping them into losses. But if we give a thought on this, there is no loss observed but revenue flowing more and more through the increased usage of data packs.

 As we have discussed the problems and gave a thought on which is better to be chosen, of course it being net neutrality. Let us try making our solution the best by looking into the problems and suggesting measures to decode each and every of them. The two things we must be sure of are: 1) where is the actual problem rooted which is clogging the principle of net neutrality? 2) what is the solution to fathom it? Monopoly is never a good sign. The problem is rooted in the verge of low quality speed internet. Accordingly, accessing internet equally by all with no restrictions on speed and quality would be my solution for this. When there is high speed internet accessible by every individual and company, there is no problem of congestion. There is no need of companies to make deals with the ISPs. there would not be any preferential treatment or would be breach of the principle. It encourages innovation. If the internet services were dearer, would there be Google, Whatsapp or would any creative charm come forward to showcase his talent with meager investment? No. It would be against development of our country. Where there is no place for innovation is simply considered a graveyard but not an emerging economy. Such is the importance of this principle in today's world. So measures are to be taken to promote high speed internet with quality and equal access to all. ISPs should strictly sticck to this principle and prosper the growth of internet by investing further on the infrastructure and increasing the band width. Government should also recognise the importance of the issue and should contribute more or less to the ISPs. There is of course a problem with the open internet. Anything which is obtained free of cost can be misused now or later. So government should take the responsibility of monitoring the internet services unbiased. INTERNET IS OUR RIGHT. WE ALL NEED TO COLLECTIVELY EFFORT TO PROSPER THE OPEN AND FREE INTERNET  AND BE RESPONSIBLE TO NOT MISUSE IT AND BE PROUD FOR HAVING SUCH A WONDERFUL GIFT PROVIDED.


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