Salwa Judum

Salwa Judum

Salwa Judum Meaning:It means a “peace march” or “purification hunt.”

Salwa Judum :
A spontaneous revolt of the tribals against years of atrocities and harassment suffered by them at the hands of naxalites.

Emergence of the problem of naxalites in Chattisgarh:
The Inability of the Government to make its presence felt in the remote villages of the states and not fulfilling their basic rights and needs led to the emergence of Naxalism. These people have entered Chattisgarh from A.P and slowly influenced people to give them their basic rights and land to the landless labours. They introduced the concept of equality. The intention behind their emergence is a good one though, as the time passed, the unending power that caught them had made them to become the dictators of those villages.

Atrocities of Naxals against Adivasis:
Ø  They killed the villagers mercilessly if they acted against them.
Ø  The freedom of the common people was curbed.
Ø  They were not allowed to meet the state officials and discuss their grievances.
Ø  They used arms and land mines.
Ø  They started taking of hostages.
Ø  They even forced the children to join them and work for them.

Emergence of Salwa Judum:
The atrocities committed by the naxals especially the landmine blast in Dharbhaguda village of dantewada district had led some of the eminent people of those villages to collectively start a RED MISSION against the naxals in 2005.It was supported by non adivasis from other parts of India, Sarpanches, traditional leaders whose powers was threatened by naxals and some of the powerful politicians. This mission was headed by Mahendra Karma , a congress leader.

The change of Life of Adivasis after the rise of Salwa Judum:
All the Adivasis who were severely struck by the naxals violence, emerged furiously and supported Salwa Judum. It had directly recruited its members from these Adivasis and claimed for providing employment to them by the state government. Each member was given a salary of rupees 1500, arms, good training by the state and assurance to provide permanent job in the official state police force, thus attracting the people with the amenities. But after its emergence, there had been many ghastly conflicts between the security forces and the naxalites in which the number of common people injured and were shot dead is massive. Such fights made the people, for whom the land of their villages was sacred to get away from their mother lands. These displaced Adivasis started living in the temporary camps with the houses of leaf roofs. Their conditions were deplorable and no provisions were provided except for a meal with watery dal. There were no educational facilities even. Large lands remained uncultivated due to the migration of the native villagers to the relief camps. people have deserted their villages and lived under open skies and led their lives starving.
But the same thing happened to the salwa judum like that of naxals. The escalating power in their hands made them forget their major objectives and started ruling people.

Atrocities committed by Salwa Judum:
Ø  Children below 15 years even were recruited as SPO’s which was strictly objected by Human rights commission.
Ø  The people who refused to attend the meetings conducted by salwa judum faced repeated attacks by this force.
Ø  Salwa Judum had even focused and attacked the people who supported Naxalites.
Ø  People were forced to join into this red mission.
Ø  The people affected under Salwa Judum and the security forces were not given any compensation. Only the people affected by the Maoists were given the necessary compensation.
Ø  The most considerable thing was that the crimes committed by salwa judum were not taken into consideration by law.

People’s Demands:
Ø  Stop Militarisation of the society and using people as a shield for anti-naxal operations.
Ø  Hold Judicial Enquiries on the atrocities committed by Salwa Judum, Which have gone unrecorded.
Ø  Naxals Should give their list of killings of common people and the guilty should be bought under the court of law.

The Recommendations of Asian center for Human Rights:
->To the Central Government:
                                                        I.            To stop Salwa Judum and ensure that the civilians are not involved in the conflicts with the armed opposite groups which increases the risks of the civilians.
                                                      II.            Take the initiatives to hold dialogues between Maoists and state government.
->To the State Government:
                                                                  I.            To hold peace talks with the naxals and dismantle temporary camps and return of the camp inmates to their respective villages with full safety and security.
                                                                II.            To provide relief to both the victims of naxalites and also those of salwa judum.
                                                             III.            To vacate the schools which have been turned into relief camps.
                                                             IV.            To have the inquiries into the recruitment of child soldiers as SPO’s and stop it.
                                                                V.            To bring the crimes committed by the salwa judum by salwa judum and Maoists and punish the guilty.
->To the Naxalites:
                                                                  I.            To hold peace talks with the state.
                                                                II.            To stop targeting the civilians and unarmed persons and use of land mines.
                                                             III.            To stop taking of hostages and release them free.
                                                             IV.            Stop recruitment of children.

Supreme court’s approach in 2011:
Ø  “You cannot give arms to somebody and allow him to kill.”
Ø  “Adivasis have become the victims of the conflict between the salwa judum and naxalites.”
Ø  “The state has to cease salwa judum for the safety of the common people.”

The Dharbha Ghat Massacre:
Mahendra Karma, the congress leader who was the head of salwa judum was killed in a blast along with several other congress leaders  and common people during their campaigning for the upcoming elections on May 25th 2013. On May 27th 2013, the naxalites claimed responsibility for the attack by issuing a statement which called it a revenge for the atrocities committed by the salwa judum. Their statement stated that “Mahendra Karma and his family have been exploiting tribals for long. They were into land grabbing and committed atrocities against the tribals. Karma was the prime target along with Nand Kumar Patel and VC Shukla but we regret killing of innocents and lower congress functionaries.” There were 78 bullets found in his body after the massacre, the officials informed.   
My Perspective:
Rather than being a peace mission as is claimed, Salwa judum has created a situation where violence has escalated. I think that the power must be limited to as much as required and that power should be guided in the right path which makes every individual with power to work with dignity and loyalty.


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