Reservations In India

The act of reserving a part of something whole for the under privileged.
The centuries old Hindu caste system still remain a major component of Indian society. Previously, there existed Varna system in India where the people were divided based on their occupation. Then came the evil “UNTOUCHABILITY.” The untouchables were out of the Varna system. They were called Dalits. Even now these differences among the people exist. Dalits were among the poorest of the citizens and they do not own any land. They are often illiterates and were restricted from using the wells and temples of the upper caste people. If they went against any of the rules, they were severely punished. There was malnourishment among them due to the lack of health care facilities. Then came the idea of reservations, to provide equality and justice to all the people of the country. Reservations were designed in order to improve the wellbeing of the backward and under-represented people.  Reservations were introduced in the fields of politics earlier and later extended them to education. Simon commission, in order to develop the conditions of dalits, gave them an opportunity for the first time to have reserved seats in elections just on temporary basis to improve their status. A question aroused then, If the seats are reserved, then are there good number of seats for the qualified people? Then the commission answered dalits just contributed 1/3rd of the seats according to their population ratio towards the other people. And 3/4th of the seats can easily be allotted to the qualified people. That was the basis for the introduction of reservations in India.
·         It introduces vote bank politics. India is a democratic country and to obtain votes and develop vote banks, the political houses will never let the ghost of reservations die.
·         It creates divides between the people and it is against equality. The peers don’t think the person with reservations and such a benefit as an equal.
·         The people treat reservation candidates as handicapped as they receive preferential treatment because they are under qualified to perform certain job. This even kills their self respect.
·         The reservations are caste and religion based not based on the needy.

·         There is no technology to know about the people who are benefitted by the services of reservations.
·         Most of the real needy Indians do not even know to claim for their reservations
·         The government on the basis of reservations is trying to help the backward, snaching away the opportunities of the eligible candidates.
·         Reservation system is creating a work force which cannot compete in the global level. Most of the work force turned out to be un privileged.
No, I am not against the reservations. If we fight against the reservations, our politicians will divide us into many more castes and religion and will continue to introduce new reservations. We, as Indians should support reservations with few changes.
·         Support reservations upto class 12 and after that, they should stand on their own.
·         Support reservations for economically backward classes.
After independence, we have helped two generations with our service, now its time to slowly remove this system and provide equality. If the government really wants to upbring the underprivileged, then it should first identify them clearly. It should plan to give good education and pretty financial support and leave them to face true competition.
·         If the reservations are caste based, then our government should recognize the creamy layers of backward classes and stop their service to them, but this solution fails every time because our government has introduced a basic certificate to prove their poverty. The certificates may be duplicate .
·         An other solution is that, the candidates who undergo reservations should keep their descendants away from it. So slowly this system may eradicate reservations as there will be no more people to serve for.
Eg: A person X gets good education and job through reservations and stands well settled and well trained enough to bring up his children equally like others. If he fails then its not the responsibility of the government. The knowledge that only one opportunity is provided make every person more cautious to be responsible towards their job and this will bring back the respect lost towards the backward people.
·         Government should realize that , if once a caste is considered to be backward, then it does not continue to be backward. So it should test and review if the class has reached a state of progress and then it should not be considered a backward class.
·         If a student applies for any university admission, the forms come with the questions asking for category. But how does the category play a big role? It should be merit based. A category cannot decide the eligibility of a person.
There are many economically backward people among the forward classes and creamy layers in the backward who even if not needed depend on reservations.
Education cannot be overplayed. It is literally damaging our education system.
“Give a man a fish; you have fed him for a day. Teach a man to fish and you have fed him for a life time.”
This means we should not spoon feed people and that’s the mistake our government is committing right now. We should encourage reservations upto providing basic level of education and leave them to lead their life. Politicians should stop thinking for their own benefits and try to maintain reservations upto a certain extent.


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