Research and Analysis Wing
Intelligence Bureau
Central Bureau Of Investigation
Crime Investigation Department
Police and Military Force

Research and Analysis Wing as in R&AW was just a surveillance agency until I researched about it few days ago. After research, I understood the criticality of R&AW behind every military action of India in the past. R&AW is a think tank of Indian defense wing which strives to predict the threats from the foreign countries.
The structure of R&AW is not known as it is not under the purview of RTI. Just the head as R&AW chief is showcased. Alok Joshi, at present is the chief. It undergoes its activities with the method of spying. Few IPS officers [mostly] selected immediately after giving their civil services exam are mentally tested and are given training in spying. After their training, they are set to be scattered in different parts of the world to spy on their political stability and predict the threats to India. They are the sleeper cells who are inactive or sleeping until the orders are issued to attack. There are thousands of R&AW agents scattered to make the task easier. There are many techniques and models of spying each described very well on the internet which I do not deal with now.
So, if an agent finds out any distrust element in a particular country, he informs the higher officials immediately according to the sequence the R&AW had planned. Finally the information is gathered at the Indian headquarters of R&AW at New Delhi within few minutes or hours. Then it undertakes the precaution measures immediately. There are many operations of R&AW like Operation Cactus, Operation Leech, Operation Meghdoot, Operation Smiling Buddha etc. Let me describe how it operates in the times of emergency by taking a particular operation. 
Operation Meghdoot is one the greatest successes of R&AW. The agents in Pakistan had informed the chief that Pak military had received Arctic weather gears from a London co. to protect themselves from cold and they figured it out that there was going to be an attack on siachen to occupy that. The Pak army planned that they could defeat India because India would not be having the cold protection equipment with them. After the chief discussing with the Prime Minister of India have decided to occupy Siachen before Pakistan and give it a blow. Thus, India also imported the equipment and occupied Siachen in before hand.
It struggles hard to protect India from external violence. It is the one among the best intelligence agencies in the world. The novels of Sidney Sheldon, David Baldacci and many others have described their ideas on their own countries intelligence agencies, the technology used, methods adopted etc. There are many movies plotting on intelligence. For instance, Madras Cafe, a hindi movie focused on Indian intelligence and their moves at the time of dealing with LTTE. 
There is nothing in this world perfect and clean. Thus, R&AW is backed with few complications. Though the technological aspect of Indian intelligence is shaped out very well,  the coordination and cooperation among different agencies working under it goes with loops. Another backdrop of Indian intelligence would be communication among the agents and even with the higher officials. Inorder to pace with the most powerful agencies of America, Britain, Russia, China, Pakistan etc, we need to build up our strength and bury our loops. Then it would be a great contribution from R&AW to Indian masses.

  • Operation Smiling buddha: India nuclear program, pokhran
  • ELINT od Himalayas: To spy on China's nuclear programme
  • Kahuta's blue print: Pakistan's nuclear programme
  • Kanishka bombing case: Air India flight- 182 blast( A big failure of R&AW)
  • Operation Chanakya: infiltration of ISI from kashmir.
  • Operation Leech: Act against Junta of Burma.
  • R&AW helped Bangladesh's independence by training and arming mukti bahini.
  • R&AW supported and trained LTTE [ Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam] which bursted out of control later, which was another failure.
  • Operation Laldora: Indian army support to Mauritius to fight against the coup.
  • Operation Cactus: Indian army protected maldives from PLOTE [ People's Liberation Organisation of Tamil Eelam].
  • Alliance to northern alliance, the military of Afganisthan against the Pakistan raised Taliban.
  • Intelligence Bureau: Within India intelligence agency.
  • CBI: Inter state investigatng agency in crime under centre and is the interpol.
  • CID: branch of police department which investigates into the crimes in the state.
  • CBI and IB together constitutes FBI of USA
  • USA's intelligence: Central Intelligence Agency
  • Russia's intelligence: Main intelligence Directorate
  • Pakistan's intelligence: Inter Services Intelligence
  • China's intelligence: Ministry of State Security
  • Britain's intelligence: Military Intelligence 6


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