• For the first time in the world history,a newly planned city was introduced in England after Garden City Revolution in order to contradict the Environmental challenges caused due to the Industrialization in the 17th Century.
  • There is a very much need for the planning of the cities for the development of the country.
  • It is mostly seen in the developing countries in order to develop their infrastructure, transport and communication with a sophisticated technology.
  • New cities are constructed in between 2 major towns or cities of the state.


  • Due to the rapid urbanization, many people started moving from small villages to developed towns and cities for jobs and started settling there. This led to the increase of slums. For example, the Dharavi slum in Mumbai has the 60% of the city's population and is considered to be the Asia's largest slum. Mumbai is the India's commercial capitals but it is the home for the biggest slums. The tall buildings in Mumbai are being constructed for the people who have already been well settled with houses. The slum is the major outcome of the failure of the urban planning structures. The poor people cannot afford to buy lands in such commercial towns due to dearer prices existing there. So the people who come for employment to these commercial places need to accommodate themselves somewhere possible. Thus this gives rise to emergence of slums. For the slum rehabilitation and the development of them, there is an urgency for the rise of introduction of new planned cities to accommodate the extra population. 
  • Increase in  the population of the cosmopolitan or metropolitan cities lead to the suffocation among the people and the competition for the resources increases. 
  • The involvement of private and housing programmes in the new city schemes would provide the people with basic amenities.
  • The themes of new cities add to sustainability , controlled urban growth, a proper financing strategy, global connectivity and outlook, mobility, proper governance,economic diversification , smart city development and the use of relevant technology.
  • The new city programme targets at the development of infrastructure like construction of airports, railway stations, seaports, road connectivity through proper road management, different institution for entertainment and education with recreational facilities, industrial development, town planning, green technology and proper health care facilities planned in advance.
  • A new city programme adds to economic growth by increasing the employment opportunities and strengthening the standard of living of the people.
  • It uses logical and inclusive way of construction through urban planning and design.
  • Green technology on water management which are the major challenges in the current cities would be addressed in this programme.


  • The pooling of finance for the projects is the major challenge. The private individuals are not interested in investing in computer based projects. Rather prefer investing in the present ongoing projects. The public private partnership is another problem where the coordination is not going well between the two parties thus leading to the unplanned activities.
  • The development of a single sector in our country takes ample time and New city is a concept with all round development, that is bloom in all the sectors. So there is no hope in any that this project will proceed in good terms.
  • Lack of planning and management is another major problem that is holding the scheme backward.
  • The green city constructed may not be dynamic or successful. So no one is showing interest and coming forward to take up the projects.
  • These projects apart from attracting the citizens,seek them to live in a different way changing their behavioural stunts which is purely opposed by the citizens. For instance: The use of cars, large houses, swimming pools etc may not meet the city's sustainable goals.
  • There may also be the chance that the new city may attract the population of the current city also leading to the problem of congestion in here too.
  • Corruption, social policy failure and disinterest of the community add to the delay of the projects.
  • The problem of governance comes to picture when the residents are the shareholders of the project. They claim for the assurance to establish all the non taxable services when required and also for the role of them in governance.
  • It is evident that the new cities are constructed for the already wealthy. Will they accustom to the problems of poverty?
  • The poor skills of architects, scholars, entrepreneurs in the construction of the model plan.
  • Lastly, here comes the problem of Land acquisition for the new cities. The villagers or residents or farmers are not interested in giving away their land for any other purpose. Thus this consumes lot of time for the projects accomplishment.
  • Mafia can also be listed out a problem which retards the interests of the projects.


  • The lessons from the functionalities of the present day cities would help to overcome major problems and avoid mistakes of the past.
  • The resources are to be utilized carefully and properly.
  • Reduce waste and get smart should be the  motto.
  • Proper governance through technology development, e-governance and reducing red tap-ism.
  • Attracting people or residents or businesses by providing incentives like tax breaks, competitive salaries etc.
  • Make people hope that they could carve out their living in these cities by attracting talent and providing employment opportunities.
  • The ease the movement through advanced transport facilities that connects different places would be an attraction too.
  • The basic amenities of drinking water, sanitation and health facilities are to be provided.
  • The land acquisition act of 2013 says that the private individuals should get 80pc of the locals acceptance to get their land for this purpose. At the same time, it is providing with the 4 times compensation for the rural land acquisition and 2 times that of urban land. They also are provided with the employment facilities. No agricultural land will be occupied as per the act. This act supports the commoners as well as the development. It also came up that if no compensation is made when the land is acquired, 40-60 pc of the developed land after all the transformation would be given back the land owners. 


  • If we look at the above discussion,we get to know the need, challenges and solutions for the development of a planned city.
  • Will our discussion add to the government's handling of the issue? Or does government does not know all these challenges? So why is it not coming up with new initiatives to encourage the entrepreneurs and the commoners? This is the question on every mind.
  • It is necessary for every citizen to contribute their own for development and government should live up to the trust of the commoners.
  • Government should come up with new schemes to eliminate corruption and mafia.
  • The land acquisition should gain the hearts of people. So they should be educated with the importance of New cities and its contribution to nation.
  • It is obvious that commoners are not going to lease or sell their land simply. They have their problems. They look at their own miseries. At micro level, if we think, it is their right. But in a broader perspective it is violating the development to the nation.
  • Everyone is selfish. People want a security of their own assets, Politicians, their power and investors, their profits. No one is going to step forward sacrificing their demands and needs. So this must be looked into properly.
  • The development of a country implies to development of an individual.
  • So all the challenges should be met with proper and the best means in order to make the entrepreneurs profitable and benefit the people at the same time.
  • In my opinion, this is a best initiative which can be looked forward to achieve great levels of development with few defects. If people, private companies, architects and the government work hand in hand, then comes the success that sweeps out the world in amazement.


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