
Showing posts from February, 2019

Trying some poetry

1) Crush me and take me inside, For your halo to hover around my outside. Protect me with your arms spread out wide, For our hearts are forever tied. 2) My body doesn't work, not a cell. Doesn't it ring a bell? My heart aches to a boiling swell, Because you're holy unwell. I could suffer terrible Harm and yell, To get you out of this endless hell. 3) Life has taken a turn to sunlight, Where I believed I wouldn't let go off the darkness' sight. It all turned out to be a delight, After you became my knight. The feelings between us finally ignite, And we eternally unite. 4) My words topple over when I try writing a poem about you, just like my heart flutters when I look at you. 5)When you're my observer, I resurrect and grow, When you're not, I simply perish. 6) In the stream of a river called the universe, I'm a tiny pebble and you're the engulfing sand. Blessed I say to be engulfed in y

My experience with the Art of Living

Every fruit in the fruit basket tastes different. If you do not experience all the flavors, how can you choose your favorite fruit? You cannot leave trying a fruit, influenced by others' tastes and wishes. In the same way, I was one of many who judged spiritualism all my life, until I stumbled upon an opportunity to experience it myself. I have begun my spiritual journey on Feb 1, 2019, with so much reluctance. In respect to my idle days, I chose this path I am thankful for it. I want to share this today because there are so many people, teenagers, youth, parents, relatives, friends who do not know the importance of mental peace and make fun of these meditation start-ups. Mind peace can make you great, help you out of depression and negative emotions, help you succeed in any relationship, helps you carry a smile in every grave situation, gives you a clear mind and helps you love everything.  I have attended the Happiness Program of the great institution " The Art of Livi


What is interim budget? It is the temporary budget presented by the outgoing government. It can be later be adjusted or cancelled by the next government. Budget in Constitution: Article 112 - To have an Annual Financial Statement Article 265 - No tax shall be levied or collected except for the authority of law. Article 266 - No expenditure shall be incurred except for the authority of the legislature. Parts of Budget and estimates: The budget can be divided into revenue budget and capital budget. Revenue Budget: It is a statement of estimated revenue receipts and expenditure incurred from such revenue. The receipts and expenditure in this budget are recurring in nature. Receipts being Taxes, income from selling goods and services, dividends and profits, interests, grants are given etc and expenditure being interests paid, subsidies, defence, salaries and pension, grants etc Capital Budget: It is a statement of estimated capital receipts and capital expendi

Bell Jar- Book Review

Bell Jar Sylvia Plath Genre- Fictional Autobiography, psychological fiction, Roman à clef Reading about depression, melancholy and desolation over internet is one but unraveling about it in a book takes you on a different journey altogether i.e., We live through the pain of the narrator in every stage of his or her life. Sylvia Plath makes this book so relatable putting forth her experiences with social awkwardness, hopelessness and despondency . Every man jack has a psychological trauma, for it is extreme to his/her own level. Bell jar is about a college student Esther Greenwood who aspires to become a poet. She interns for a famous magazine during the summer in the New York City where she realises her societal inhibitions and distort. The ups and downs in her journey makes our heart leap forward and backward.  Though a controversial subjectwith disputed reviews, this book helps you perceive that the bright sunlight is in wait for you after the utmost darkness. It is just YOU