
Showing posts from April, 2015


Today's internet runs on the neutrality principle - equal access of internet to all. More demand for free internet - more congestion Failure of Internet Service Providers' infrastructure with no revenue and investment resulting in low quality speed internet. A regulation against neutrality is being claimed 1) To charge the content providers according to the usage of the internet 2) To make telcos the gatekeepers of every service of ISP like new apps to be registered with them. This regulation ushers monopoly in the internet services Thus from the above mentioned points, it is very clear that there are advantages and disadvantages of net neutrality principle. To the end customers, it is, of course a boon. Then where does the problem originate? Arousal of a counter argument implies the principle having defects. The first three points briefly explain those. But is the introduction of a regulation, the solution for this? Let us look into that with proper understanding o


SOLAR ENERGY: MEANING: Energy produced or radiated by sun.  It is the generation of thermal or electrical energy from the light radiated by the sun. This energy is a renewable energy and is affordable and inexhaustible. This energy can be used in two ways. One, in a passive way that is the light passing through the window makes your room hot. Two, active way that is production of electricity by using photovoltaic or solar cells. MECHANISM: The electricity is produced by photoelectric effect performed by the photovoltaic cells. The light energy from the sun is absorbed by the solar cells and the electrons become the charged particles after the transfer of energy from the sun to the electrons thus producing electricity with their movement. HISTORY: The solar energy is as old as mankind as the sunlight was used for domestic purposes. But for the first time, the active solar energy usage was used in 1897 converting it into electrical energy. In 1970's, when there was an energy c