
Showing posts from June, 2013

Salwa Judum

Salwa Judum Salwa Judum Meaning: It means a “peace march” or “purification hunt.” Salwa Judum : A spontaneous revolt of the tribals against years of atrocities and harassment suffered by them at the hands of naxalites. Emergence of the problem of naxalites in Chattisgarh: The Inability of the Government to make its presence felt in the remote villages of the states and not fulfilling their basic rights and needs led to the emergence of Naxalism. These people have entered Chattisgarh from A.P and slowly influenced people to give them their basic rights and land to the landless labours. They introduced the concept of equality. The intention behind their emergence is a good one though, as the time passed, the unending power that caught them had made them to become the dictators of those villages. Atrocities of Naxals against Adivasis: Ø    They killed the villagers mercilessly if they acted against them. Ø    The freedom of the common people was curbed. Ø    They were

Reservations In India

RESERVATIONS MEANING: The act of reserving a part of something whole for the under privileged. BASIS FOR RESERVATIONS: The centuries old Hindu caste system still remain a major component of Indian society. Previously, there existed Varna system in India where the people were divided based on their occupation. Then came the evil “UNTOUCHABILITY.” The untouchables were out of the Varna system. They were called Dalits. Even now these differences among the people exist. Dalits were among the poorest of the citizens and they do not own any land. They are often illiterates and were restricted from using the wells and temples of the upper caste people. If they went against any of the rules, they were severely punished. There was malnourishment among them due to the lack of health care facilities. Then came the idea of reservations, to provide equality and justice to all the people of the country. Reservations were designed in order to improve the wellbeing of the backward and under-repr