
Showing posts from April, 2019

Carrie- Book review

Carrie Stephen king Genre- Horror Fiction Carrie is a girl gifted with telekinesis. She can move things with a wave of her hand. She’s anti social, traumatic, “not so noticeable” girl in her school. Her mother, another mentally ill person, an inclined catholic, considers Carrie as a sin(as she was the byproduct of her intercourse). Thus, the rumble between the mother and daughter persists for age s. Unimaginable things happen to such girls(in general) in school, that consequently leads to her outburst of power. This part gets little exhausting to us readers( Drain of emotions). This part, I suppose is considered “HORROR” in this book. Post reading, you find yourself in a hypothetical situation and with many questions. Who do you feel sorry for? Carrie? Or the people she killed with her outburst of emotions? Do we support Carrie? Do we love her? Sympathise her? Empathise her and Share her agony? Or do we retreat from her? What is right? What is wrong? How one person is judged? How o

We should all be feminists- Book review

We should all be feminists Chimamanda ngozi adichie Genre- essay, biography #Feminist  - A person who believes in the social, political and economic equality of the sexes. #Feminism  is a taboo in our society. It has become such a small and filthy thing to announce yourself as a feminist. The concept itself is losing its meaning. #chimamandangoziadichie  , with this book "We should all be feminists" establishes the lost and devoured meaning of feminism with its actual essence. Every person should read this book to understand the core meaning of feminism and it's importance. It's subtly explained how we forget and accept things instead of changing them. Every girl, once in her lifetime must have been oppressed, for sure. We don't realise it as oppression because we are used to it. Now is the time to realise and take a step forward. This book has inspired me to step forward and stand for myself. I hope it helps every woman and man to realise the unrecognised

Blog Writing- Book Review

Blog Writing- Marvin Ford A randomly picked book with an attractive title. Better content found in web than in this book. Could hardly find any new ways to develop your blog. All the info about how to write your blog is taken and dumped at one place. Should have researched properly to have given basic understanding to the beginners.

Who to vote this elections?

Who to vote this elections? Is this your first time casting a vote? Mine too!! So I did my research about elections, parties, who to vote, what’s the procedure, etc etc. I thought a small blog would help you understand whatever I’ve learned so far. So here we go!!!  Firstly, As a civil services aspirant, I’ve been in touch with national politics for over 7 years now. The time since congress was in rule, when bjp swept majority and now, it’s a hell of a journey! So I wish to help avoid the mistakes and remove the misconceptions before we cast our votes tomorrow! Let us understand basics of parliament. Parliament consists of loksabha, Rajya sabha and the president. We shall discuss Rajya sabha and president later. Tomorrow we are going to have Lok sabha elections in our constituency. A state is divided into multiple constituencies for the convenience of voting. Different states have different number of constituencies. Each constituency will be represented by an MP who sha